
How many PI should I delegate to one candidate node?

You need to delegate at least 1K PI to one candidate.

When can I delegate my PI tokens?

You can delegate PI anytime before the epoch reaches 75% height.

I have sent tx to delegate PI, why does the transaction status still show “pending” under the PIWallet delegate tag?

The delegation transaction will remain "pending" until the current Epoch is complete, and the next Epoch's validators are determined. When your candidate is elected for the next epoch successfully, then this Tx status will change to "success", which also means you will start to receive PoS mining reward.

What does “Delegated to ** elected candidate node” mean?

It means the number of your candidate who became the validator in the current epoch.

Can I delegate more to the same candidate?

Yes. You can delegate again before the epoch reaches 75% block height.

After delegation, when can I get the reward?

If the candidate you delegate to elected to be the next epoch validator successfully, then you will get the reward when the new epoch starts.

"Error: cancel amount greater than your Proxied Balance"

This error occurs because the PI amount you are canceling is greater than how much you delegated. Please copy your candidate’s address and go to PIScan to check your candidate’s full balance. Find your address in your candidate’s Proxied detail, there are 3 value which we supposed is

ProxiedBalance  A PI
DepositProxiedBalance   B PI
PendingRefundBalance    C PI

The amount you cancel should lower or equal to A+B-C.

"Error: delegation amount must be greater or equal to 1000PI"

This error occurs because you are attempting to cancel an invalid amount. Please copy your candidate’s address and go to PIScan to check your candidate’s full balance. Find your address in your candidate’s Proxied detail, there are 3 value which we supposed is

ProxiedBalance  A PI
DepositProxiedBalance   B PI
PendingRefundBalance    C PI

If you don’t want to cancel all of your delegation, the amount you cancel should be lower or equal to A+B-C-1000. If you want cancel your entire delegation, the amount you cancel must be equal to A+B-C.

"Error: Replacement transaction underpriced"

This error occurs because the transaction made before this one is still processing. It is suggested that you wait for a moment and retry. But if you want to make this new transaction to supersede the former one, you can increase the gas fee.

I didn’t get delegation tx hash, how can I ensure my delegation is successful?

You can check the delegation history in PIwallet “Delegate” page, or go to the ‘Wallet” page to check if the balance has been decreased.

Why did my delegation hash/cancellation hash fail? Why did it return “can’t delegate now”/ “Can’t cancel now”?

After the epoch has reached 75% block height, you are not allowed to delegate or cancel delegation. You must retry when the next epoch starts.

Last updated