Token Swaps
PI to PIBNB Token Swap
Reminders before you start swap PI to PIBNB on PIwallet.
Update Plian Wallet to the latest version. Click here to download PIWallet.
Ensure that you have access to the private key or keystore file or the mnemonic word of the BNB address as well.
The minimum PI swap amount is 1000 PI/swap and the commission fee of the swap is 25 PI/swap, you should also have a minimum of 0.0005PI left for transaction gas.
After you send the swap transaction, you will receive your PIBNB within 2 business days at most, but the process will finish in several mins usually.
Step 1: Open the PIwallet and click ‘PI to PIBNB’ tab.
Step 2: Create or import your BNB address to PIWallet.
After create or import make sure your address start with “bnb”, if not, update your PIWallet to the latest version
You can import your BNB address by private key or wallet seed (mnemonic words) or you can just create a new address. We will ‘create PIBNB’ as an example.
Click ‘Create PIBNB ’, copy the wallet seed (mnemonic words). Set password and repeat it. Then click ‘Create’ to confirm. Please keep the mnemonic words and password safe and for future use.
After create or import your PIBNB address and PIBNB balance will show in ‘My PIBNB Account’.
Step 3: Swap native PI to PIBNB
Choose your native PI address, ensure the amount is larger than 1000PI. Choose your PIBNB address, fill the amount you wanna swap, and click ‘token swap’.Notice: the amount you fill in should larger than 1000 and can’t have more than eight decimal places.
Step 4: Check your balance.
After the transaction finished, wait several mins and click the refresh icon to check your PIBNB balance.
PIBNB to Native PI Token Swap
Reminders before you start swap on PIwallet.
Update Plian Wallet to the latest version. Click here to download PIwallet.
Ensure that you have access to the private key or keystore file or the mnemonic word of the BNB address as well.
Ensure there is a minimum amount of BNB (~ 0.000375 BNB ) in your PIBNB address to cover the BNB fee.
After you send the swap transaction, you will receive your native PI within 2 business days at most, but the process will be finished in around 2 mins usually.
Step 1: Go to ‘PI to PIBNB’ page and click the ‘PIBNB to PI ’.
Step 2: Import PIBNB address
Import by using the private key or mnemonic seed. You will see the PIBNB balance there. Also, you can create a new PIBNB address here and transfer PIBNB to this new one.
Step 3: Input and confirm your native PI address
The default native PI address below is the latest one you created under the ‘Wallet’ page. If you want to create a new one, go to the ‘Wallet’ page again.
Step 4: Enter the amount that you want to swap.
Then Click ‘Token Swap’. Enter the password of the PIBNB address and click ‘Confirm’ to continue. Please ensure there is enough BNB in your PIBNB address to cover BNB fee.
Confirm the swap info. Then click ‘Send Transaction’. It can be seen on the Binance explorer website immediately.
Step 5: Click ‘Detail’ to check more swap transaction info.
Last updated