Removing Your Node From the Candidate List

If you would like to remove your node from the Candidate List, use the cancelCandidate function.

You can cancel your Candidacy at any time between 0% and 75% of the Epoch.




applyCandidate, cancelCandidate


Prohibit Operation

You can do this through either the RPC or the Javascript console. The process using the console will be shown here.

cancelCandidate By RPC del_cancelCandidate

cancelCandidate By IPC del.cancelCandidate

You will need to first unlock it using:

personal.unlockAccount(address, "password", 300)

In the Javascript Console:

var from = "0xB3544059698177F14968D29A25AFD0D6D65F4534";
var gasPrice = null:

Once canceled, your staked PI will be unlocked and all the delegated tokens you received will be automatically returned to each delegator once the Epoch reaches 100% height. If you were not in the validator pool, the cancelation will be effective immediately since there are no Validator duties to be completed, and your staked PI will be unlocked, and all the delegated tokens you received automatically returned to each delegator balance.

Last updated

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