How to check if your node is still running
How to check if your node is caught up to the latest block
How to check Pchain’s version
How to check if your node is syncing
How to check if your node is validating blocks
How to collect logs
What are the hardware requirements to run a node on Pchain?
Can I run the main chain and subchain on one node?
How to migrate your Pchain account to another computer
How to check if your node is running correctly after setting up the node
How to check your node status when running Pchain
How many tokens are needed to become a validator
How to resync Pchain from block 0
What should I do if I get bad blocks often?
How to resolve handle crash on the subchain
Where can I find the node’s balance info and reward info?
What’s the meaning of each balance type there?
When to apply/vote/reveal/delegate
The detailed operations to become validator
Must I apply candidate?
How many PI should I stake during the vote stage?
How many PI is needed to be elected as Validator node?
How do I know if I will be in the next epoch’s validator list?
What is the minimum amount should I stake when I vote?
As a validator, should I do the vote and the reveal process for each epoch?
Can I update the commission fee as a candidate?
How much PI should I delegate to one candidate node?
When can I delegate?
I have sent tx to delegate PI, why does the transaction status still show “pending” under the PIWallet delegate tab?
What does “Delegated to ** elected candidate node” mean?
Can I delegate more to the same candidate?
After delegation, when do I get the rewards?
"Error: cancel amount greater than your Proxied Balance"
"Error: delegation amount must be greater or equal to 1000PI"
"Error: Replacement transaction underpriced"
I didn’t get delegation tx hash, how can I ensure my delegation is successful?
Why did my delegation hash/cancellation hash fail?/ Why did it return “can’t delegate now”/ “Can’t cancel now”?
How to cancel a validator node to unlock the staking amount
How to cancel delegation
When do I get my PI back after I cancel the delegation successfully?
How many rewards will I get if I delegate on Pchain?
How much total PoS mining rewards allocation and what’s the distribution plan?
How can I get staking rewards?
I have delegated to one candidate for over 25 days, why haven’t I received any reward?
When will the rewards unlock?
How many rewards do I receive in one epoch?
What’s the PCHAIN monitor?
What is PIScan
How to check if the transaction is successful?
How can I get listed in PIWallet Candidate list?
Why can’t I connect to my node using PIWallet?
Why does my PIWallet not show anything in local node mode?
How to recover an abnormal cross-chain transaction
How to migrate DApp from Ethereum to Pchain
Last updated
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