How to deploy smart contract on Plian via Metamask + Remix
Please find below a step by step tutorial detailing how to use MetaMask and Remix to deploy smart contract on Plian mainnet. We take the following example of deploying ERC-20 token smart contract.
Step 1: open MetaMask and choose child_0 subchain.
Child_0 (Subchian 1) RPC: 8007736
If you don't know how to connect Metamask to Plian, please click here
Deploying smart contract is only available on Plian subchain.
Step 2: open #remix and add the smart contract.
Step 3: deploy the contract and connect to MetaMask.
Step 4: select the account and select “next” then “connect”. Once successfully connected the address and balance will be displayed.
Step 5: select “confirm”. Once successfully connected the address and balance will be displayed.
Step 6: fill the parameter and select “transact”.
Step 7: select “confirm”.
Step 8: once successfully deployed copy the contract address
Step 9: check the token in MetaMask, open MetaMask and select “Add Token”
Step11: Done! Congratulation!!
If you wanna check the deployment transaction details on PIscan, make a copy of the token smart contract or the owner address of the smart contract to piscan to check.
Last updated